ARWES theming tools can be easily integrated with Tailwind without any extra package. Since the theming tools are primitives, it should be done manually, which allows for flexibility and scalability.
Create a theme as required:
import {createThemeUnit,createThemeMultiplier,createThemeColor,createThemeBreakpoints} from 'arwes'const theme = Object.freeze({// REM units.space: createThemeUnit((index) => `${index * 0.25}rem`),// Pixel units.spacen: createThemeMultiplier((index) => index * 4),// Media query breakpoints.breakpoints: createThemeBreakpoints([{ key: '3sm', value: '375px' },{ key: '2sm', value: '410px' },{ key: 'sm', value: '640px' },{ key: 'md', value: '768px' },{ key: 'lg', value: '1024px' },{ key: 'xl', value: '1280px' },{ key: '2xl', value: '1536px' },{ key: '3xl', value: '1980px' }]),// Color palettes.colors: {primary: createThemeColor(i => [180, 10 + i, 92.5 - i * 9.44]),secondary: createThemeColor(i => [60, 10 + i, 92.5 - i * 9.44])},// Typography.fontFamily: {header: ['Tomorrow', 'sans-serif'],body: ['Roboto', 'sans-serif']}})export { theme }
Then integrate it with the Tailwind config file:
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'// Import the theme definition.import { theme } from './src/theme'// Convert an ARWES theme breakpoints to a Tailwind screens settings.const createTWScreens = (): Record<string, string> =>theme.breakpoints.settings.map(({ key, value }) => ({ [key]: value })).reduce((t, i) => ({ ...t, ...i }), {})// Convert an ARWES theme color to a Tailwind color palette settings.const createTWPalette = (createColor: (i: number) => string,length: number): Record<string, string> =>Array(length).fill(null).map((_, i) => ({ [i]: createColor(i) })).reduce((t, i) => ({ ...t, ...i }), {})export const tailwind: Config = {content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,ts,md,jsx,tsx,mdx}'],theme: {extend: {screens: createTWScreens(),colors: {primary: createTWPalette(theme.colors.primary, 10),secondary: createTWPalette(theme.colors.secondary, 10)},// `fontFamily` can be passed just like this.fontFamily: theme.fontFamily// Tailwind `spacing` is the same as the theme `space` setting.}}}
Now in the source code, new Tailwind classes are available with screen breakpoints, color palettes, and typography.
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